Early Learning and Education Policy Paper

The Victorian Government has committed to an overhaul of early childhood education, under the Best Start Best Life program, which will see kinder free across the state for three and four year olds from 2023.

 While One Gippsland welcomes the Government’s investment in kindergarten and early childhood education to help address the chronic childcare shortages in regional Victoria, ageing or lack of infrastructure remains a significant issue for local government.  Additionally, the patchwork of asset ownership in many areas means that local government may only own a percentage of the facilities but are expected to plan for upgrades to buildings that they do not own.

 One Gippsland notes the Victorian Government’s funding allocation for planning and forecasting as part of the Best Start initiative. However, the ability to support the program’s infrastructure requirements in a rate capped environment remains very difficult for One Gippsland councils.

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