Letter of Support


One Gippsland offers Letter of Support:

●        The request for a letter of support is required to be submitted to the Secretariat via email;

●        Relevant information on the organisation and topic for support is required to be submitted with the request, to allow an informed decision on support to be made by the members;

●        The Secretariat will also undertake desk top research and note any relevant information;

●        The request for a letter of support will be placed on the agenda and tabled for discussion at the following board meeting from the time that the request is made;

●        To be placed on the agenda and to allow for the Secretariat to conduct due diligence, the request for a letter of support must be made at least 14 days before a scheduled board meeting.

●        If a member is submitting a request for a letter of support, any conflict of interest should be declared at the time of submission;

●        Any conflict of interest should be declared by members at the time of a vote being conducted at the board meeting;

●        Any pertinent information regarding the entity seeking the letter of support that is known by members should be conveyed to the Secretariat;

●        A majority of councils/industry members (6) is required to provide support;

●        If a member has been excluded from the vote, a majority of more than 50% of eligible voting members is required;

●        If a majority is received, the Secretariat will prepare a DRAFT a letter of support and provide to the Chair for signature – this must be provided within 2 business days; and

●        The signed letter will then be provided to the relevant organisation and a FINAL tabled at the next One Gippsland meeting for noting (if the request was not tabled at a prior meeting).