Timber Industry Transition

The Victorian Minister for Agriculture has established the Forestry Transition Implementation Reference Group as a non-statutory group to provide strategic advice relating to the design and implementation of the Forestry Transition Program and associated support programs.

 The group is comprised of ex-officio members from Forestry and Resources and Forestry Policy and Fibre Innovation in addition to representatives from:

·         One Gippsland;

·         Timber Towns Victoria;

·         Australian Forest Contractors Association; and

·         Victorian Forest Products Association.


One Gippsland’s representative on the group is Cr Ian Bye Mayor of Wellington Shire Council.


The purpose of the Forestry Transition Implementation Reference Group is to:

·         Advise the department and Minister on the detailed design and implementation of business, community and worker support programs under the Forestry Transition Program;

·         Provide feedback to improve the success of programs under the Forestry Transition Program, with a particular focus on achieving the best outcomes for affected businesses, communities and workers; and

·         Provide advice on other matters (risk, opportunities, gaps) that may assist in the successful implementation of business, community and worker support programs under the Forestry Transition Program.


One Gippsland looks forward to the group’s initial meetings being scheduled as a priority to ensure that the design and implementation of transition support are meeting the community need.

Collective Position