From the Chair
Cr Mark Reeves, Chair of One Gippsland
The One Gippsland board has had a productive start to the year with some important policy work underway on issues that will have a big impact on our region’s future.
Our board was recently invited to meet with the Minister for Regional Development the Hon Harriet Shing MP to discuss the Government’s decision to cancel the 2026 Victorian Commonwealth Games and the subsequent $2 billion funding package allocated to regional Victoria. One Gippsland advocated to the Minister that Gippsland’s priority projects should be prioritised under the announced funding packages as as a means investing in the region and to ensure the economic dividend from the games can still be realised.
One Gippsland remains concerned about the State Government’s decision to end native timber industry harvesting ahead of schedule. We recently met representatives from the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions and the Latrobe Valley Authority to understand the detail associated with the transition package. One Gippsland will be represented on the Latrobe Valley Authority Transition Plan Control Group to advocate for the needs of impacted workers and the broader community.
The board also ticked off our Offshore Wind Policy Position which will inform the beginnings of our advocacy on this important investment into our region.
We have also finalised a Flood and Inundation Policy Paper, which will form the basis of future advocacy to the State and Federal Government for improved planning and funding to manage coastal development across our region.
Our board also endorsed a new Early Learning and Education Policy Paper that analyses the challenges in securing childcare and early learning places across the region.
In an exciting new partnership, One Gippsland is proud to be working with Gippsland Women’s Health and Gippsland Centre Against Sexual Assault in their funding application to the WorkSafe WorkWell Respect Fund to deliver the Work Local Be Safe project, aiming to build the capacity of local government and other organisations to respond to gendered violence and sexual harassment in the workplace.
Given that the population of Gippsland has grown to nearly 300,000 people, the demand for health services and infrastructure is escalating. One Gippsland has endorsed the Terms of Reference for a dedicated Health and Wellbeing Working Group to advocate for the health needs of our region and develop a strong policy case for the future.
I am also pleased to advise that One Gippsland has been invited to participate in the Victorian Government’s Gippsland Region Public Health Unit population working group, and we look forward to participating in this important regional forum.
We were pleased to recently welcome the Hon Kristy McBain MP Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories to Gippsland to tour the region. The Minister had a chance to see the issues One Gippsland is advocating for as well as sit down with our members both at our board level and as individual organisations.
We will also be heading to Canberra and Spring Street in August to continue to advocate for our region across our key priority areas: offshore wind, freight, regional rail, tourism, digital connectivity, health and wellbeing, education and food and fibre.
Cr Mark Reeves
Chair, One Gippsland
Mayor, East Gippsland Shire Council